Today I finished reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. What a passionate book. It was very thought provoking. I would like to comment on my beliefs concerning the passionate love between Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre. I found it to be of a dream-like quality, and yet I wonder, "Is it reality?" Jane Eyre said,
"There was no harassing restraint, no repressing of glee and vivacity with him; for with him I was at perfect ease, because I knew I suited him: all I said or did seemed either to console or revive him. Delightful consciousness: It brought to life and light my whole nature: in his presence I thoroughly lived; and he lived in mine" (Chapter 37 pp. 457 Jane Eyre)
Is this possible? I wondered if the author experienced this kind of love herself or was she just dreaming of what she hoped would be possible? Further research into Charlotte Bronte reveals that when she wrote this book she had yet to find a relationship of such congeniality, rather she had several offers of marriage that were more of the St. John (a character in the book that offers companionship, but not love) type, which she refused. Her first known love, was a married professor, which was unrequited and we have no reason to believe he ever returned her feelings. The question then lies, can there be a constant passionate love that is so selfless and beautiful, as the author dishes out so refreshingly to us, or is it just a fairy tale? I resoundlingly say, "Yes it is possible," but it lies only in the goodness of each individual. Here is my thinking: if one lives with an angel, they will either rise and become an angel themselves, or they will relinquish all rights to the relationship because of discomfort in associating with that which they are not. Only those that have obtained charity and love in their very being can return this kind of self-less passionate love to a spouse. I believe Jane, finding God through her friend Ellen, had an early understanding of how to treat others. I believe Mr. Rochester found his way back to God and, therefore, charity (which is the pure love of Christ) through what he called "God's judgment" through the loss of his hand and sight. I firmly belive if two people going through the rigors of life humble themselves and become patient and full of love, they can have such a passionate love. It is possible, but only through self-sacrifice; there can be no selfishness in them, which is quite a difficult feat for all human souls. I find myself lacking this necessary quality. At times I have obtained it and I can only say it is pure joy, yet it is fleeting as I find myself, or rather my selfishness, getting in the way. I encourage all to seek after this pure charity, as the blessings, of which Charlotte Bronte gives us a peek, are beyond the scope of the imagination.